Sunday, August 23, 2009

"T's Senior pics

A few more of "T's" options for Senior pics

I just love photographing this little lady! She is so much fun and not scared of the camera at all! She's definitely a natural...... Enjoy T!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

All the Grandkids- Just a few more!

All the Grandkids!!

What a beautiful family! I brought a whole bag of candy for bribery and am happy to say... really didn't need it! I was so nervous about photographing 8 children! I think swimming in Grandma's pool was enough bribery for them all! These kiddos were great!!!!


The meadow......

Little Miss "T"

What a cutie! She just LOVED getting her picture taken.

Just for fun

We are having a photo contest @ work...... title- "The Wonders of Life".

This was my submission.

A visit from "Out-of-towners"

What a great family! It was a pleasure spending the evening with them!

A Few More....


I decided to take my daughter out with her girlfriends and snap a few pictures. I really think they had a good time!

What a beautiful young lady

I had the pleasure of photographing "B" not too long ago. A beautiful day, well maybe a "little" hot, and a beautiful model. What more could you ask for?